Born in 1978, Jin Liwang began his career as a photojournalist in Shanghai's WenHui Daily after he graduated from Fudan University with a bachelor degree of International journalism in 2000.

After working for WenHui Daily as photojournalist 3 years and for Oriental Morning Post as Chief photojournalist and Deputy director of Photo Editor's Department 4 years in Shanghai , he moved to Beijing in 2007 and was appointed as the photo manager of National Aquatics Center of Media Operations Department for BOCOG(Beijing Organizing Committee for Olympics Games) .Jin came back to photojournalism in Feb. 2011 as a photojournalist in Xinhua News Agency after Beijing Olympic Games and one year studying sponsored by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)'s Chevening Scholarship program in the UK, where he finally received a MBA from Liverpool University.

Traveling around China and oversea countries like Iran,Indonesia and India, Jin witnessed lots of important events , such as tsunami disaster in Indonesiai in 2004,big headed infant victims of fake milk powder in China in 2004, Iran presidential election in 2005, etc. .His works have been published on many magazines and news papers. And he has participated in group exhibitions at China's Pingyao International Photography Exhibition in Sep.2005 and China's Lishui International Photography Cultural Festival in Nov. 2011.

Jin was given China’s Excellent Contemporary Photographer of PIP ( Pingyao International Photography Festival) in 2005, the TOP 20 Chinese Contemporary Photography Talents in 2011 and many other prizes awarded by CHIPP (China International Press Photo Contest) , CPPC (China Press Photo Contest),and PPPPC (People’s Photography Press Photo Contest),etc..In 2017, he was awarded TOP 10 Journalists of Xinhua News Agency.

Working for Xinhua News agency's Photography Department, Jin focuses on China’s current problems caused by rapid development such as food safety, environmental issues, etc., and is concerned with China's disadvantaged groups.Since 2014, he has been keeping up with the development of China's science and technology.He also tries to use large-format cameras to do his own projects.

Jin has translated four books from English to Chinese , which are “the LIFE Guide to Digital Photography: Everything Need to Shoot Like the Pros” by Joe McNally , “One Light Flash: Professional Quality-lighting on a Budget ” by John Denton and Adam Duckworth,'Lens on Live' by Stephanie Calabrese Roberts (together with another translator),Photography Visionaries by Mary Warner Marien.


金立旺关注中国经济社会发展中存在的问题,对于环境灾难、食品安全、动物权益、城镇化等领域有较长时期的关注。从2014年开始,他集中关注中国科技发展,并用大画幅相机尝试进行个人化创作。他曾多次获得中国新闻奖,并在人民摄影报新闻作品年度评选和国际新闻摄影比赛(华赛)中获奖,2005年《纪实系列》获平遥国际摄影大展中国当代优秀摄影师奖,2011年拍摄的《索马里难民》入选TOP 20中国当代摄影新锐展、2012年中国新闻摄影“金镜头”纪实类组照金奖,《汉旺母亲》获2012年度中国新闻摄影年赛多媒体短片类金奖(与人合作),2013年度佳能十佳专业摄影师,《中国科学家》获2014年中国新闻摄影”金镜头”新闻人物类组照金奖。2017年,被评为新华社十佳记者。
